Force Volleyball Club
Why Force?
Force has long been one of the smaller area clubs with a strong presence scattered throughout. We will continue to strive to make the improvements and decisions to make sure our logo is something to be proud to have on your back. With our strong focus on organization and communication, we plan to build one of the strongest clubs from top to bottom. We have always had the best on court facility in Cleveland, and now we are ready to match that tangible product with a character and mindset that will continue to grow both on and off and the court. ​​​​​
Our Mission
Force Volleyball Club provides a program and a path for every level of player. Our focus is on strong organization off the court and commitment to personal development on the court. Our year-round club offerings, both on the court and in the sand, give our players every opportunity to better themselves as a player-athlete.
What's New?
We are excited to keep the parts that made Force spin, while adding a brand new "flavor". Directors Dom Severino, Jeff George and our amazing staff will truly take an on the court AND off the court approach to give each player and family what they need. We will continue to execute putting together the best possible staff no matter where you are at in your volleyball journey.
New Courts dedicated solely to our club
Full use of Hudl Assist for all Teams, Coaches and Players on Elite & National Teams
Newly constructed club office for admin and team meeting usage
On site team spirit shop
Year-round online spirit store
New agreement with Nike for Jersey Packages
New payment and scheduling portal to keep all your registrations payments and schedules in the same place
A fully dedicated recruitment division
Partnership with Beyond Development
Professional agreement for yearly team and individual pictures
Professional agreement for in tournament action pictures